nicholas chin jie

nicholas chin jie

not-so-personal projects

Here's to the open-sourced, buzzword-plagued, hackathon-contrived projects I've been working on (or have worked on).

Subpar code quality not indicative of employers.

📈 Investigating the Nature of Correlation Perception

vclwebframework - run correlation-related visualization experiments

🧳 Another Travel Recommendation App

mikado - organize your next adventure

📱 Swipe Right Networking

swipe - a searchable, social way for employees to connect with and learn from each other

🛒 Interfacing a Relational Database to the Web

dbmart - query-based online marketplace for users to buy, search for, and sell things

🚴 Safer Pathfinding with Google Maps

bikesafe - using Vancouver's traffic collision history to recommend safer bike routes

🤖 Pathfinding Robot

wall-e 2.0 - autonomous maze runner armed with terrible hardware

🎵 Lyric-Based Music Recommendations

lyricistics - an AI trained to make lyrically-similar song recommendations

👩‍🏫 A Gamified Classroom Experience

teacher for a day - experience a day-in-the-life of a high school teacher

rss resume twitter github gitlab youtube mail spotify lastfm instagram linkedin google google-plus pinterest medium vimeo stackoverflow reddit quora quora